At a young age of up to 25, men do not even think about a possible decline in sexual activity. They are confident and full of energy. But, already at the age of 30 there may be periodic difficulties with potency, its decrease. Erectile function is in decline. But that doesn't mean the potency disappears completely. A certain stability, a periodicity is simply established.
And the statement that at 40 a man is very close to impotence is completely false. Everything is very individual. Also, urologists say that the body of a young man has a certain reserve of his sexual activity. And you can't fool nature.
A man's sexual health is affected by many different factors, from psychological to physical factors at the same time. Various diseases of the heart, stomach, liver, associated with depression, stress and stress affect the decrease in potency.
Factors influencing potency
The first reason is endocrine
The most common diseases of the endocrine system are manifested by hormonal imbalance, the production of sex hormones in the testicles or pituitary gland, as well as in various injuries, tumors that lead to a sharp decrease in testosterone in the body ofa man, which is the main hormone responsible for erectile function and arousal. The study of these health problems is supported by an endocrinologist. Hormonal preparations often help to normalize the hormonal background, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed, and potency returns to normal.
The second reason is medication.
There are a huge number of drugs that negatively affect potency and cause violations in the sexual sphere. These drugs include hormonal agents - female hormones, which are often used in the treatment of cancer. But in this case, the question is about the struggle for life. Drugs, alcohol, various antidepressants negatively affect the sexual function of a man.
Some pills used daily have a negative effect on the genital area (diuretic drugs, antacids, diphenhydramine). Therefore, before using these drugs, you should carefully read the instructions for use before use and consult a specialist. He will tell all the pros and cons of the drug and can prescribe an analogue that will not affect sexual function.
The third reason is neurology
Many diseases of the brain and spinal cord, as well as various neurological disorders affect the decrease in potency. Neurological disorders and diseases include:
- Parkinson's disease;
- circulatory disorders in the brain;
- epilepsy;
- sclerosis;
- various injuries and operations of the perineum and pelvis;
- systemic and autoimmune diseases.
Methods of treating neurological diseases in modern medicine are quite limited, and sometimes the only way to eliminate problems is penile prostheses.
The fourth reason is psychological
Psychological problems, especially at a young age, can cause problems related to the sexual sphere. Erectile dysfunction occurs due to fatigue, stress, deep depression, poor health, neurosis, complete dissatisfaction with the sexual partner and with oneself.
The fear of getting pregnant or the fear of contracting sexually transmitted infections also affects the decrease in potency. An erection does not occur when wearing a condom or in uncomfortable situations and environments.
The selective type is another type of erectile dysfunction. It is the inability to have a sex life with a certain partner while having a successful sex life with others. Erectile dysfunction is associated with the psychology of men. Potency may decrease during the first sexual intercourse due to excitement. In other cases, everything goes smoothly.
Other reasons
There are also local causes of this problem (local injuries, injections) which replace the functional tissues of the penis with connective tissues. Violation of blood circulation in the penis, which leads to erectile dysfunction. Vascular sclerosis can also include prolonged intercourse, where a man deliberately delays ejaculation in order to prolong his partner's pleasure.
If the tissue replacement process takes place, the results can be disappointing.
Vascular problems that affect the decrease in potency are divided into two types:
- venous outflow of blood;
- arterial disturbance of blood flow.
With an arterial violation of blood flow, an erection practically does not occur and is not as full as possible. With venous outflow, excitement comes quickly, an erection sets in, but it quickly subsides, sometimes without even allowing intercourse to begin or end.
These disorders occur due to diseases:
- injuries of the perineum and pelvic region;
- phlebeurysm;
- inflammation of the lining of blood vessels - endarteritis;
- narrowing of the lumen of the aorta and deposition of cholesterol - atherosclerosis of the aorta.
It should be noted that due to smoking or taking medications and a number of other reasons, blood circulation in the penis is disturbed. The treatment of this disease consists in the use of drugs that affect vascular tone.
Chronic diseases of the pelvic organs can be caused by a decrease in immunity and tone of the penis. Sexual diseases lead to depression, neurological diseases and erectile dysfunction. To fully restore potency, you need to undergo complex treatment.
There is also the treatment of anatomical changes in the genitals (incorrect location of the opening of the urethra, changes in the penis) by surgical intervention, but such cases are extremely rare.
Ways to fight
The main rule is awareness of the problem and the desire to solve it. Most men, faced with a similar problem, are afraid to go to the doctor, because they consider it to be an extremely intimate problem. Nowadays, a large number of anonymous treatment rooms, websites and consultations have appeared, where they will help to understand the problem and give advice.
Know that there is nothing fatal and irreparable in this problem. A decrease in potency often has functional causes, and the right lifestyle, avoidance of stress and the right emotions help a man restore his masculine strength.
Products enriched with minerals and trace elements have a beneficial effect on increasing potency. These include aphrodisiacs, which increase blood flow to the genitals. New sensations in sexual life and harmony are important for men. Experts recommend diversifying your sex life or changing partners who are not satisfying you in one way or another. If you try to change something in life, the results can be positive.
In order to eliminate the main causes of men's health problems, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly and contact specialists in case of problems. Rejection of bad habits, regular sex life, refusal to take medication will lead to positive consequences. Consult a urologist regularly in case of injuries, diabetes or hypertension.
Products with a negative impact on health
Products that reduce potency:
Your first enemy is alcohol
Alcohol is the first and most serious enemy of male sexual power. Alcohol or low-alcohol beverages are harmful even in very small amounts. Doctors say that alcohol affects the testicles in the most detrimental way and leads to their dysfunction. Drinking alcohol and poisoning the body and reproductive function with ethyl alcohol leads to the complete disappearance of a full-fledged sex life.
Your second enemy is cholesterol
If we talk about animal products, then it should be remembered that the enemy of the male reproductive system, and especially in middle age, is the cholesterol contained in these products. It not only affects the cardiovascular system, but also disrupts blood circulation in the genitourinary system. Constant need to control the cholesterol content in the blood, do not eat fatty foods, meat of fatty varieties. But it is not necessary to exclude meat from the diet, it contains trace elements that increase the required level of testosterone in the body. The meat simply should not be abused.
Your third enemy is salt
Salt is already an essential part of nutrition. It is impossible to completely eliminate salt from consumption, since it is an integral part of many products. Salty foods should be immediately after cooking and before eating. Salt is not worth it.
Your fourth enemy is caffeine
Caffeine is one of the most undesirable foods to consume, as it binds free testosterone and reduces its concentration. A cup of coffee in the morning will not harm your health, but you should limit your drink intake during the day.
The effect of herbs on potency
Traditional medicine has become popular among the treatment of many diseases. Men therefore often turn to similar methods of potency treatment. It is very difficult to find a herb that would have a negative effect on potency, but it has been proven that the same herb can affect the health of a man and a woman in different ways. Herbs such as saffron and cornflower will have a calming effect, but at the same time reduce potency and sexual desire.
Useful herbs for men's health will be:
- calamus root decoction;
- galangal tincture;
- dubrovnik.
When using herbs, it is worth remembering the wide range of their effects on the body. These herbs have no side effects and have a positive effect on the body and potency.
Here are some simple recommendations that will improve your sex life and make you attractive and strong to the fairer sex.